Power Pack #2: Butter Fingers

Power Pack Episode 2

Katie Tantrum

In this episode, Jeff and Rick attempt to break their personal record of the number of podcasts they have produced by doubling their library…..will they succeed? Who knows!!

Also, they compare Skeletor to Nixon, determine the morality of babies stealing candy from adults, and some science stuff.  And the kids get some snazzy new costumes…..Whoo hoo!



Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3703-eighties-action
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

5 thoughts on “Power Pack #2: Butter Fingers

  1. Hi,

    That was a lot of fun too and I appreciate the greater amount of humour. Particularly enjoying the science sections as well. For the record (from my memory of a comic I obsessed over when I was ten and thus remember far more about than anything I could usefully use in my life), a letters page somewhere later down the line points out that Julie definitely doesn’t travel at the speed of light – that’s just her childish interpretation of what she’s doing. I pretty much genuinely regret the fact that I can still recall that but fail to remember my wedding anniversary.

    Anyway, enjoying very much so many thanks. Just regretting I can’t access your recommended beers in the UK!

    Best wishes,


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for listening, especially all the way in the UK. We enjoy providing you with as much humor as we can muster. I will try to work in an imported beer from your country in a future episode.


  2. The first appearance of recurring Power Pack character, Stan the Security Guard! See, this episode is a must listen. Glad I got around to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Probably has a job in a bank or jewelry store in New York. One day, idly looks out the window to see 4 kids and a well-dressed gentleman board a bus. It drives off and OH MY GOD IT’S FLYING AND NOW IT’S A UFO AND Stan gets fired for drinking on the job.

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