Power Pack V2 #3: Split Decision

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 96

Beer and Book

Issue three of four…..we have to keep telling ourselves that.

Squat Squad

The kids are fighting this issue. They are fighting the snarks, they are fighting each other, they are fighting logic, they are fighting the narrative. They are fighting.

More Squatting

They fight so much, that they ran out of pages of content. I am serious. We do not get to see the scary ships that cause them all to be in awe. We were not in awe.

Smell My Finger

You may be rolling your eye or eyes at us (depending on how you are drawn), but we are trying our best. There is good, there is bad, and there is this. We just want more from our kids.

Purple Reign

There was some promise in this series, but as we move towards the end, we are starting to see that it is falling apart. How bad is it going…..? Well, we have one word!


Marg. That is the word. Marg. Sigh.

Don’t forget to support us on Patreon, https://www.patreon.com/JeffandRickPresent.  We have started to release monthly episodes for our Energizer and greater tiers. We are covering the alternate versions mini-series that started in 2005.

You can also subscribe and listen to us on YouTube! 

We also have some merchandise over at Redbubble. We have a couple of nifty shirts for sale. https://www.redbubble.com/people/jeffrickpresent/?asc=u

Our show supports the Hero Initiative, Helping Comic Creators in Need.  http://www.heroinitiative.org/

Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3703-eighties-action
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Quirky Dog by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4259-quirky-dog License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

3 thoughts on “Power Pack V2 #3: Split Decision

  1. Greetings from the weather beaten mid-south! I hope you and your families are continuing to do well in this endless cycle of public selfishness and uncertainty. It is good to know there are like minded guys such as yourself who I can connect with periodically through the magic of the internet and get a nice and thoughtful exchange in missives. Out of the many things in my life that changed over 2021, your show was a steady constant and a sweet solace from the life situation. Just to hit play every 2 weeks and feel like I’m sitting with a couple of good guys just talking Power Pack along with the random banter on life. Thank you for such a great show!

    I had to re-read this issue again because my brain had said “it wasn’t bad!” on that first read several weeks ago. Of course my brain continues to be haunted by Mike Higgins junior Fantastic Four Adventures coincidentally named Power Pack with all its flaws. This causes your brain to say weird things like the aforementioned statement above.

    Yeah, I have to agree that this book isn’t really as good as I had initially thought. The cavalier attitude the children have about Maggie being hospitalized with “Space! It Is!” as a reply still causes me to scratch my head. I have to make an admission that hearing you Jeff speak Jack Power dialogue has set in my head. When I have read the character’s word balloons, it is in your voice I hear them. Good job!

    The illustrating is a bit all over the place. I really suspect that there could have been some reworking of pages done before this went to press if your speculation that the book was maybe an ongoing by announcement and then cut to 4 issues after the first issue sales numbers came in. This whole direct market has somewhat soured me on collecting comic titles today. That threshold number of what is pre-ordered seems to dictate what the book will ultimately be by the time it gets into your hands.

    I had just finished reading The Loners which co-stars Julie Power and Mickey from the New Warriors along with a cadre of former teen heroes. It was… something. It is quite a mess to read as it is coming off the heels of some Marvel comics event. I don’t know if you fine gentlemen are going to cover it down the road. If you are, beware! There are some clever covers homaging John Hughes film one sheets by Jason Pearson that really was the best thing about the book in my opinion.

    Well, I need to sign off for now and get some Christmas cards written and sent off. I would send you two one if I had your address. I hope you and your families have a very merry Christmas!

    Talk to you later,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jeremy,

    Always look forward to reading your posts and enjoy responding to them. I really do like it when we get an interaction with someone…justifies what we do and lets us know that we aren’t just speaking to the void. It is humbling and amazing that people want to spend time with us talking into their ears. Glad that you like the random banter. Some people want to just get to meat of the topic without all the fluff. Personally, I like the date stamp of what is happening in our lives and in the world around us. Makes it a more personal experience. It’s why we do the jokes and goofs as well. If we were dry about it, then we might as well just read the comic out loud. And at that stage, what’s the point? The listener might as well have just read the comic themselves and saved themselves an hour of time. Okay, getting down a rabbit hole based on something else entirely so I will just say: Thank you for spending time with us and thinking that we are a couple of good guys. I would like to lie and say that we have you fooled, but I think that that is what we are for the most part.

    My hope is that we aren’t changing your mind about the issues. If you thought that they were not bad, then it is safe to stick to that assessment. We, however, had problems with them. We talk about it in #4, but basically the kids just seemed not quite right. And the majority of the plot points had already been done. This was a chance for them to take the Pack in a new and exciting direction, and instead we got a clip show…and I hate clip shows. Except for Communities clip show, because that was a work of art.

    My friend, you are not the first to say that they hear my interpretation of Jack’s voice when they read any of his dialogue now. Hope I haven’t ruined anything for anyone, but most people seem to think that it is pretty fun/funny. Honestly, it cracks me up and I long for Jack parts to put in as much as I look forward to doing Snark parts.

    Still need to find out the behind the scenes stuff with this series, I think it might be interesting.

    I agree with you about the direct market stuff. Frustrating to see titles cancelled before they even get a chance to start. Companies just don’t want to take a financial risk and see if something will be a hit down the line. It is a shame really, even though I understand the business behind it.

    We have started covering the Runaways, and will get to the Loners at some point…don’t ask me when, I don’t know. We will eventually get to all PP ancillary stuff. In fact, we just pushed our shows life out by a couple of years by how we decided to cover things. So that is good or bad depending on a person’s view of us.

    Oh, yeah…cards…Dang it! Why’d you have to remind me of that task that I had forgotten about. 🙂 Hope you and yours have a great holiday season and a very merry Christmas. We might even have a white X-mas this year if the weather is right. Later, buddy!



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