The New Warriors: Overview #4

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 93

Beer and Books

With special guest star comic and video game writer and creator, David Gallaher (@DavidGallaher):

  • The New Warriors v1 #68 – 71
  • Venom: The Hunted: #1-3
  • The New Warriors v2 #1

We did it! We made it to the end of our New Warriors coverage. And let me just say, it is not the content, it is the pure volume of books we were covering. I just do not think that we will be doing this again. And yet we have at least two more series that we could do just like this…..Oh dear.


Well, we should get on with the real reason we are here. I mean, we pay for some named talent to show up, we should talk about him. (FYI, we did not pay for him to be on.) David Gallaher is an actual comic book writer, known for Darkstar and the Winter Guard, The Only Living Boy, Box 13, and Green Lantern Corps. He is also a huge fan of the New Warriors, which is good, because Rick and Jeff need all the help they can get.

Lotta Warriors

Now that we are at the end of this series, we have a sick number of Warriors. They may be down one smartship, but they have a powered up Nova, the correct Speedball, and a new time manipulator. Not too shabby for a team that started with attitude and an unlimited supply of money.

Look at My Arm

We really only covered these books to get a sense of Alex on another team, and we really were not impressed. Alex was more of a tool that the Warriors used, but he never was a real character. He faded into the background and was more white paint than he usually is.

Angry Mikey

Speaking of background, we should talk about some of the great details in the background of these books. They were pretty incredible, funny, and foreshadowy. Yes, I just made up a word because I was making a list and I needed a third thing. Don’t you judge me. I spend time and effort doing this when I really do not need to. You will cry when I am gone.

Your Number One Fan

Ok, done with my rant for now. But you better behave, or I will start another one! Now, where was I? Probably pontificating on a life lost, a body destroyed, and the hopes of a sequel.

The Real Ghostbusters…er Guardians of the Galaxy

Well, that about wraps it up for this experiment. I am not sure how we will tackle other large runs with one Power Pack character, but it will not be like this. But we will think of something.

Don’t forget to support us on Patreon,  We have started to release monthly episodes for our Energizer and greater tiers. We are covering the alternate versions mini-series that started in 2005.

You can also subscribe and listen to us on YouTube! 

We also have some merchandise over at Redbubble. We have a couple of nifty shirts for sale.

Our show supports the Hero Initiative, Helping Comic Creators in Need.

Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod

Peppy Pepe by Kevin MacLeod

2 thoughts on “The New Warriors: Overview #4

  1. Good evening friends!

    I was pleased as punch to see an early email Sunday morning announcing the fourth part of this current miniseries. I was even more tickled to see David Gallaher was a guest for the episode. He’s a good guy and provided some great content not only to your episode, but on another show Greg Arujo and Sean Ross had covering Mark Gruenwald’s epic Squadron Supreme a while back. (boy, those were a lot of names dropped in that last sentence. I may like comics podcast shows a bit much! lol) I have seen David talk about New Warriors on ye old Twitter from time to time, so seeing him on this latest episode was nice. I commend the show in finding some likable fellows who know their four color funny subjects!

    One thing you all briefly touched upon sent me down the cliche memory lane. David spoke of AOL back in that dial-up period era with message boards and connecting with Tom B and Evan S etc. I remember frequenting a message board in that time dedicated to Brian Michael Bendis. Back at the start of this century, Bendis had gained notice for his series Jinx outside the confines of comics press outlets. (Heck, I first read about him in Spin Magazine) Anyhoo, before he went to Marvel he was the indy guy who wrote dialogue that emulated David Mamet and he had quite an assembly on that message board. Talent like Marc Andreyko, David Mack, Mike Oeming, among others just contributing to various threads, offering sneak peaks of upcoming projects. It was always fun to see what the latest was going on. Did either you or Rick get immersed in that culture back in the day? I have always been curious to that.

    Onto the episode content itself- Man, I can’t believe that nonsense happens to Friday! The vacillating characterization of Alex still doesn’t seem good at all. I liked Mickey as Turbo when she was introduced back in #27? I always wondered why Marvel hasn’t brought that character back. I liked the take made about New Warriors really being a SJW lite title, because the selling point I remember was it was teen heroes facing real issues. Entering my 20’s in those days, and not discovering independent titles fully, my tastes were starting to tilt toward something with a little weight to it.

    Quick things- I did get a couple of nods and a question at that con sporting your show shirt. The venue was held in a smaller space unfortunately so there wasn’t nearly enough room to chit chat, or really get into dollar boxes slowly. I did find a good amount of titles I was wanting to read which is always a bonus. I hope the organizers go to a larger venue for 22. Yay for Rick’s trip to Baltimore! I have enjoyed seeing the pictures and that great villain jam piece he managed to collect! Some great folks he got to meet up as well. That Douglas Wolk book All the Marvels is in transit as of this writing to my address. Screenwriter and movie enthusiast Drew McWeeny got an advanced copy of the book which he raved about in a newsletter. I am looking forward to the next phase of this project you both have labored and nurtured these last few years. I hope you and your families have a happy Halloween!

    A prince,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Jeremy!

      That was in fact an impressive listing of names that you gave there. Glad that you have been liking the likable fellows who know their four color funny subjects that we bring on to the show. The plan behind that is to make us seem likable because of the company that we keep. Is it working?

      Love me some Bendis! I never read his Jinx stuff, but I am a die hard Powers fan. I have read those books many a time. I used to frequent some BBS’s, but I can’t remember which ones. It was always over at a friends house, as I got into the home computer game quite late in the game. The reason for that had something to do with space and money…hmmmm…that is still an issue for me…shame on that. If I remember though, a 700 baud modem was awesome for reading posts, and when a friend of mine got a 1200 baud modem we were all trying to figure out what the point was…it loaded to fast to read anything!

      I am still trying to decide if Alex was written poorly or not. I mean, yes he was, but it is also believable. Young kid hanging out with the cool older kids who are -gasp- WITH a significant other doing hot tub repairs…which you know what I mean. (Side note: I still have a have a hard time believing that some of the team is in high school, ’cause it sure didn’t seem like they were.) He, and everybody, really needed to step up to Rich, as his treatment of EVERYONE…but mostly Friday…was terrible.

      I really liked Turbo. Mickey was an interesting character and I liked that her motivations weren’t really to be a hero, but someone with a flight suit that could be used to travel the world. I am so down with that and sad that I don’t have that ability. Love to travel, and being able to just go would be so nice. It is curious that that character has just languished though. I am sure she will pop back up sometime though so that they can hold on to character rights.

      Thanks for the representation at the con, that really means a lot to me. I think that we put on a good show and I would love to have more ears on us, but I also totally get that we are a niche of a niche show. I love the fact that there are fine people out there like yourself that get some enjoyment out of what we do.

      Happy Halloween to you and yours, we are thinking that we are going to actually go out trick or treating this year even. Joy!



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