The New Warriors: Overview #2

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 91

Beer and Books

With special guest star Delvin “The Dark Web” Williams (@dee_ray1977) from the The Longbox Crusade and covering:

  • The New Warriors #51 – 60

No matter what you may have heard, the co-hosts did not get into a punching match on this show. There was no need to. We both know who Delvin likes more between us, so we will not dwell on that. What we will talk about is how much fun it is to have guests that know the New Warriors and have some serious love and knowledge of the property.


And while there is a lot of clowning around, we should be clear that we did do some serious introspection on these books. This is really the start of the new writer Evan Skolnick’s run on the books, and it is our chance to see what his team looks like. And what do they look like?

Hello Turbo!

They look a lot like Turbo, or they should. I mean, Turbo rocks, right! She is also drawn really tight……..I should probably stop talking about Turbo. Right? Okay.

That’s a Lot of Ink

We should talk about the other Warriors, cause there is a lot of them. Well, there are a lot of them at the beginning, but then the group gets a little smaller and a lot more stable…sort of…for the moment.

Smile for the Camera People

It is a work in progress people. They are working on an image and it takes some serious work. It also takes some costume changes.

I am the Package

We should all keep our eye on the prize, even when the prize might be found in someone’s spandex. I really have lost the thread about what I am talking about, but I will reiterate, that we all know who won the fight……but we will not say…..

One of the Host’s Names is Like….

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Our show supports the Hero Initiative, Helping Comic Creators in Need.

Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod

Pinball Spring by Kevin MacLeod


4 thoughts on “The New Warriors: Overview #2

  1. I know I read these books, I remember these covers. I have no recollection whatsoever of these stories except to sorta recognize some of the panels you’re showing. So weird.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am the same way with tons of issues. In the past couple of years I’ve been told how good something is to read that I had no knowledge of only to discover that I own it after I start reading it on Marvel Unlimited or something. It makes sense to me that we forget stuff though, as I stopped wanting to remember everything a while ago. Makes it easier to deal with all of the information that we have access to. Ugh, there are so many things that I have knowledge about that I have no interest in at all. -Jeff


  2. Hey there guys!

    Another fine episode from you both as well as your guest Delvin! The inner push/pull of buying the New Warriors series for me only continues after finishing this episode. It truly sounds like a book that has some inconsistent results but still maybe worth checking out. (I know most people have cited the initial 24 or so issues as I assume the high point of the title)

    “Looks into the camera dream works style” is going to have to slip into my phrases. That had me chuckle more than once. I still find it fascinating when different creatives work on stories with characters that have been established and just pretty much ignore set characterization for the sake of a new take on the character. I’m not saying that Alex becoming a selfish and arrogant boy child swiping his siblings powers isn’t a bad idea, but, it seems that the execution was flat.

    In regards to Richard Pace’s work; I know I had seen his name frequently on titles in this time period like on Doom Patrol for DC Vertigo and somewhere else. I think he may had been a guy working on more than one monthly at the time as well. He does showcase art on twitter and uses the sales for a food bank in Toronto. He also did work on Mark Russell’s Second Coming miniseries from Ahoy Comics. It is pretty amazing to me that Zircher was working even in this time period. It proves to me again that guys who may give a journeyman vibe can get steady work by beating the dreaded deadline of doom!

    As always, I look forward to the next episode. I hope you and your families are well and safe.

    Looks into the camera dream works style,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay!! Jeremy’s here!!

      Having Delvin on was great. He is someone I have been wanting to meet for quite awhile now so recording with him was a blast. Plus, I got to hit him with TWO Pop Quizzes that he will get to use on his Rogue Agents podcast, so that makes me happy.

      A lot of people really seem to love New Warriors, especially the first 24 issues. The problem with that is that I haven’t read the first 24 issues so this has been my introduction to them. Read into that what you will.

      Glad you liked my “Looks into the camera dream works style” bit. I have to admit that I was proud of that repeat joke. That said, it was pretty true, as they more often than not had a “Looks into the camera dream works style” ending to their books.

      I am not sure if they did Alex dirty or not in these books. He was in it so sparsely that it is hard to tell. I will say that he was criminally underused though. And I totally agree with your assessment that the execution was flat. He kinda had two notes. 1: Feel bad for stealing his siblings powers but keep doing it. 2: Be self conscious about being the kid hanging out with the cooler older crowd.

      There is something to be said for being able to produce for a deadline. It might not always be flashy, but it is there and some times the winner of a competition is the guy who shows up.

      Glad you are still with us, even though we have moved into the Power Pack hinterlands for awhile. Our families are doing great, and we hope that you and yours are doing nicely as well. It has been and is hard times right now, finding ways to keep yourself happy and healthy is an important thing…I may have just been doing some free association right there…I will blame that on it being late. With that said, we’ll talk to you later, buddy.



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