Power Pack #16: The Kid Who Fell to Earth

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 19.


And, as it was written, so it is.  FRANKLIN POWER IS IN DA HOUSE!!!!

A Common Struggle

That is right true believers, the fantastic Franklin from the Fantastic Four finally found the family of four!  And it is a good thing he did, because he has a message for them. A great green booger head is coming from space to kill them!  And there is a pony boy coming too!

Your Sssskates

Oh, there is also some amazing neglect and potential kidnapping.

Smooth Operator

Gadzooks, how will this podcasting duo handle this potentially team increasing issue?  (Hint, probably with a beer)


Join us for this exciting adventure as we turn a page in the history of this amazing family, and help us figure out the bigger question….what is up with Katie?

Land Shark

Tears of Frustration

Don’t worry. Our boys will shed some light on this situation!

SpotlightTHAT Franklin


Gotta Catch Them AllAir Jordans


Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3703-eighties-action
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Take Me Out to the Ballgame by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3413-take-me-out-to-the-ballgame
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

5 thoughts on “Power Pack #16: The Kid Who Fell to Earth

  1. Oh this issue was a blast! Snarks are back. Kofi arrives. Franklin (finally) meets the Powers! Huzzah!

    Random random random … … THOUGHTS!

    That cover is still a striking image! The painted look jumps out and is absolutely beautiful. Love love love.

    “Snark Wars.” “Star Wars.” I know that’s the obvious parallel for the comic and the time it was published. Which was almost a problem. A bit too on the nose.

    I always felt like Jakal’s ray gun was lethal and he deliberately missed the kids with it, preferring to use it to split them up, so he could use the capturing devices and interfere with any teamwork. But he sure does a good job looking like he’s Stormtrooper rated.

    Oh Katie Katie Katie. It’s one thing to have that kind of jealousy for a younger sibling. But for a kid you just met? Not a good look, young lady.

    You guys are far too kind. This Mephistoid greatly appreciates it, and hope you both have the happiest of holidays! Looking forward to more great episodes in 2019!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is fantastic that we have such an engaged fan! This was a fun issue, and I liked seeing the jealous side of Katie. It makes sense to tie in the Star Wars references. It was a real big deal at that time…AND Marvel had the rights. Why not do some not so subtle plugging.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is a great question, and found a great opportunity to win yourself a “No Prize!” But to answer your question, it might have to do with the “National Treasure” type mysterious treasure hunt that we have going on that you stumbled upon!!! The treasure is mighty and will change your very perceptions of reality!!!! (Editors note: There is no treasure nor treasure hunt, Jeff is just trying to distract you from finding a flaw.)


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