Runaways V2 #3: True Believers Chapter 3

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 101

Book and Beer

It may be an overused trope in comic books, but when heroes meet for the first time, they must fight. It is a law or a commandment, or at least a statute or a local ordinance somewhere. The point being is that it must happen. And with two teams of superheroes, that means more fighting.

Eat Lasers Losers

So, we know what is going to happen, but what if it does not happen, what then? Well first, they take away your SAG card and you cannot work again. That would be the Superhero Awesomeness Guild card for those that are not in the know.

I Have Come to Get Your Card

Even worse than that, the offending superhero also will have to pay a fine. This hurts more than the loss of the card. There are always locations that will let you work without being in the guild, but you are limited. The real problem is the fines. Do you know how little an amateur cape makes…in this economy!!!

Repossessing a Dino

It is a slippery slope for out of work supers. They need the good paying jobs of saving kids and disarming bombs just to afford their kit. Let’s be honest, Parker may be smart and naturally gifted, but he did NOT sew that suit himself. Feeding exotic pets, servicing custom vehicles, and hospital bills for interplanetary infections, this all takes cash folks.

Psst..I Need this for Credit

The long and short of it is that all superheroes need to know the requirements to remain in good standing. In order to satisfy the HOHO’s (Hero On Hero Oppositions), a costumed hero needs to actively participate in at least one misunderstanding, active conflict meeting, or dispatching a rogue good guy each quarter. Failure to do so will cause a review and possible termination of your status.

Too Friendly

Many questions are raised about non-fighting interactions. We need to be clear. These do not count. In order for the HOHO credit to be received, the heroes must be fighting. Over-complementing each other does not reflect the spirit of this rule. Throw some punches and then apologize later. For example, “I am sorry that I punched you in your pretty pretty face.” See? It’s easy!

Observing and Not Interfering

One interesting situation that is often reviewed and adjudicated on a case-by-case basis is the SONIC (Super Observing and Not Interfering or Challenging). This is where a hero is watching another group of heroes fighting each other. Some consider this to be encouraging the interaction by not interfering, while others see this as having no effect on anything. It often depends on who is observing this entire scene and the impact it has. Most of the time, a decision is made that this would not count. It is always better to join in the fray and be the difference.

The Guild is Here to Help

Please remember to always document interactions and send in your receipts when completing your paperwork. Also, remember to have fun. Being a superhero is the best activity in the world; you help people, inspire greatness, and see amazing things. While you may bruise an ego or two, and possibly a rib, during these fights, you will mostly come out the other side with a new friend, and possible team mate.

Don’t forget to support us on Patreon,  We have started to release monthly episodes for our Energizer and greater tiers. We are covering the alternate versions mini-series that started in 2005.

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We also have some merchandise over at Redbubble. We have a couple of nifty shirts for sale.

Our show supports the Hero Initiative, Helping Comic Creators in Need.

Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod

Artifact by Kevin MacLeod Link:

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