War of Kings: Darkhawk #1

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 114

It is time to do the hawk….do the Darkhawk that is! You know what it is like, you want to do a dance but your only partner has a ruby stuck in his chest. We have all been there.


So this is what it is like to read a Darkhawk-centric issue in the 2000’s. A lot of fire, a bit of brimstone, and some serious close-ups. This is just a lot of a lot. Of course people say that about us too.


Chris has a bit going on in his life, and for the most part, it is good. Loving mother and brothers, a good paying job, a plethora of bad guys to beat up. You could ask for a better life, but you would probably have to pay for it.

Bored Now

We should talk about Julie Power. She was in this issue and did not say anything……we have now talked about Julie.

No Bread for You

Back to Chris and his mom. This seems like a pretty good relationship. Chris and his mom are talking, and they are not keeping secrets anymore. Sure, he is living back at home, which is such a drag, but he is making it work and making the change.

A New Darkhawk

But what about the new guy, what is his deal? Why should we even care? Why does he have to be all….y’know..Darkhawky? Why can’t he know his own dance? Betcha did not think we would circle back to that.

Boom….Mind blown…I know, right?

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Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod 
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3703-eighties-action 
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 

Old Walls by Frank Schroeter 
License (CCTBY 4.0): https://www.facebook.com/frank.schroeter.52

6 thoughts on “War of Kings: Darkhawk #1

  1. Well, this was an issue I just read and then listened to your show and … yeah.

    I did collect all of Darkhawk’s original series back in the day, starting with the Spider-Man guest appearance in issue #2. Don’t laugh, Spidey is my gateway character to lots of comics. (including issue #6 of … something… don’t tell me, it’s on the tip of my tongue) Was I a huge fan? Nah, but I enjoyed it at the time, and sometimes that’s all I need.

    The art in this issue bothered me a bit too, so thank you Rick for pointing out the closeups. That’s exactly the problem. There’s a panel with Chris and his mom where it seriously looks like they’re about to kiss. EW! And yes, Carrie, his mom looks way too young for comfort.

    And I am not happy with the final page of this issue. Very worried what this will mean for part 2.

    Still, thank you guys for keeping it entertaining. I’ll be back for more Julie non-coverage next time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tim!!

      Spider-Man was a gateway drug for me (and many people I am sure) as well so there is no judgement on your admission of such. Love me a web head and I have to meet his amazing friends. Hmmm, your issue 6 gateway…was it Power Pack? It was probably Power Pack…I just checked…it was. You remembered better than I did.

      Glad you see problems with the art too. The scene with Chris and his mom did look like it was going to go another way, didn’t it? That is one fine looking young mom, isn’t it? Also, she looks exactly like Chris’s co-worker as well.

      Glad you are here with us on this trippy trip. Here. Have a complementary explosion for your troubles. (BOOOOOMMM!!!)



  2. So, I will be the first to admit I have never read a single issue of Darkhawk’s regular title. I have read from mutuals on social media that it is quite good, or at least the first year or two of stories. The fact the character was created to align with the the Peter Parker archetype tracks given that Danny Fingeroth had been the Spidey editor for a while. Marvel in the mid 90s always seemed it was thirsty to recapture the trope of lightning in the bottle. The character of Darkhawk piques my interest, but given your analysis of this story, as well as his appearances in The Loners miniseries my barometer remains in the mildly curious.

    The art selections you posted are interesting given the analysis of the books flow and storytelling. I have heard podcast episodes from cartoonists who obnoxiously mock the method of establishing shots and mid camera range panels in storytelling. This book seems like a prime example why those old school methods should remain in the story toolbox. If an artist is all flash in their work, it really just comes across as hyperactive and unfocused to look and comprehend to me. A splash page can be effective if done right, but too much is a bit much for this reader.

    Adjacent adolescent adventures is a fitting tag for this wonderful show. I also want to commend Carrie on her evaluation of the book! I think it’s pretty cool she’s open minded and honest of stuff that may not click with her. The way the trail of Power kid adjacent material is moving, it would be cute if she sat in from time to time to analyze the books with Rick and Jeff.

    Looking forward to the next episode guys!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jeremy!

      I think (with a large margin of error) that I might have picked up the first couple of issues of DH. It might have come out in my poor/need to thin out the pull shelf section of my life when I started getting really discerning with what I spent my dollars on. But yeah, Marvel got real thirsty trying to come out with a new giant money maker. DH still only garners acknowledgement from me and is never a driving factor for me to read something.

      There is a reason that the old school framing methods are still used to this day…it’s because they work. This run really suffered from the “More is too much” approach that the artist took.

      We will see if Carrie steps into the mic more in the future…don’t be surprised if she doesn’t though.

      See you on the next one. Glad you are here with us on this trippy trip. Here. Have a complementary explosion for your troubles. (BOOOOOMMM!!!)



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