Fantastic Four #600: Forever

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 138

We have a big book to cover today, so it is time to focus and give our followers good content to go with these pictures. So here we gooooooo…

Beer and Book

Oooh….looks like a new trailer just dropped on that new movie that I wanted to see….hang on a second…need to watch this.

Slave to my Phone

Oops….got some tech issues occurring. Gotta fix these or nothing is going to work. Just one moment.

Tech Support

Well this is embarrassing. Just got a call from a friend of mine and I need to run off to help her. There is always something, amiright?


Ok…not my fault….just got into a little fender bender and I need to talk to my insurance company. This may take a while.


I have no explanation or excuse except to say….aliens are attacking… right back

Shields Up

Ok…I am ready to give you wonderful people a synopsis of this story without giving any spoilers…..Wait…Holy Heck!!!! Johnny Storm is alive!!!


Maybe you should just listen to our show.

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Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod 
To the Tooth by Keith Wolk
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4 thoughts on “Fantastic Four #600: Forever

  1. Good day my friends!

    It has been a while in writing but a significant life change occurred unexpectedly a little over a week ago. In dealing with the fallout of my mom’s death, getting her affairs in order, showing hospitality to friends dropping by the house, life has been a bit tough in the reality of “we all pass away so make a plan.” So, even as your fun and fantastic show is to listen for a momentary escape, episode 138 feels even more poignant today.

    There have been times in your coverage of Hickman’s run where I have to think to myself, “Did I have this issue?” because the covers, the interior art look familiar, but it had been lost somewhere in time. I know with certainty that I had this book covered in episode 138. That cover alone made it stand out. It’s quite visually striking and makes me appreciate the execution of an eye catching cover. It seems far more difficult to do.

    The art you showcase from the lead story looks so good! I can remember liking Epting’s art in Avengers, then he went to Crossgen and worked on a title there. His art in Marvel has a distinct John Buscema vibe to it that I really appreciate. I also like the consistency of his work. He not only hits deadlines, he never seems to rush on panels or even pages. Sometimes that switch can take me out of an issue. You can slowly examine all the work and time put into pages, get towards the end of the issue and it gives a dashed off, many hands approach to the finish. I understand there is more stock in detail to art these days as well as realism but I miss the days of art teams doing multi year runs on a book.

    It is great to hear that Julie got a bit in the Marvel Voices issue. It is great to hear Jeff sing some REM. It is great to hear Carrie articulate the sound effects on the page. This was just a fun listen! I do want to tell you guys about one of the contributors in this book of a title he did a few years prior. I see the name of Farel Dalrymple in the cover credits. He collaborated with novelist Jonathan Letham in retelling the odd ball and strange tale of Omega the Unknown. That character was a 70s relic from the mind of Steve Gerber and Mary Skrenes which only had a 10 issue run. I distinctly remember the miniseries in the late aughts because Dalrymple’s art really stood out in its distinction. You can get a copy on my comic shop.

    Well, I have to get back to life stuff after this message. I hope you both and your families are well.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good day to you too, my friend!

      I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your mom. That is rough and I can’t express my sympathies to you adequately in this medium. You have them thou, and I hope that you and yours are holding up as well as you are able. I am glad that we are able to provide a modicum of comfort for you. Having an escape is important.

      Comics wise, it is funny how I have read some of the stuff that we have covered and had only the vaguest of recollections about it. It is even better when I have no recollection of it and remember well after the fact that I had experienced it before.

      Hate it when artists run out of time, get poorly replaced or have a bad co-lab. I understand why it happens, but it does really take you out of the moment. Having a good, consistent ongoing team is soooo satisfying.

      Thank you for the kind words of what we have done. It is appreciated.

      Omega the Unknown…I had to look that character up and I still have no idea who it is. His costume kind of has a hybrid Warpath/someone in a red cape vibe going on with it. I will maybe see if I can find that run some time.

      Get on back to life, I will do the same. Too much stuff going on as always.



  2. Greetings from Spain again!

    There is another Power Pack reference in the Johnny Storm story, when Kal Blackbane, the Kymellian warrior, says that his father died facing a Zn’rk (aka, Snark) horde.

    P.S. Are you going to talk about the new movie starring Carmody, “The Boogeyman”? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Pablo!

      Always glad to get a greeting from Spain. Thanks for coming back for a visit again.

      I did notice the tangential PP reference that Blackmane gave. I am always excited to see the Snarks referenced in Marvel as it (in my mind) adds to the legitimacy of the Pack.

      You know, I just rewatched the trailer for “The Boogeyman”, and it really could be a Carmody story, couldn’t it? It obliquely parallels lard demon Carmody, in a way that surprised me. Good catch on that. Don’t think we will talk about it on the show, but there is a chance that we might random banter about it if one of us sees it.

      Hope life is treating you well. Looking forward to hearing from you again.



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