Runaways V2 #6: True Believers Chapter 6

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 104

All things must come to and end…except this podcast, which will never, ever end!

Beer and Book

As I sit here and try to quickly sum up our snapshot into the Runaways, I have to ponder my own feelings on the book, characters, concept, and execution. When I started to get back into comics a few years ago, this was one of the first series I dove into. It was such an interesting take and perspective to the 90’s era I had last been really invested in.

Me Posting Podcast Episodes

The art and storytelling style informed me of some of the new aesthetics prevalent in the comic book medium and it introduced me to the new audience of consumers. Except for some references to the overall universe and an occasional drop in, this was a new group that was not tied to Marvel Legacy.

Cause Everyone Knows Magneto IS Right

I like that comic books can evolve and change. Storytelling needs to adapt to include fresh information and new content. The world consumes information at a faster pace, and the demand for improvements and new things are constant. While we may have loved the creators of our youth, we know they will not be around for ever, and we do not really want them to be trying to copy or improve on older styles.

I Could Make a Better Dalek than this Fool

As I am writing this, I kinda feel like an old dude that is trying to justify his love of comic books, especially those that feel aimed at a much younger target audience. And I am probably correct in thinking that the only ones still reading are fellow old nerds like myself. But, I would contend that it is ok to interact with any medium (in this case comics) in any fashion you like.

Is this Fool Still Pontificating?

I think I have lost the thread of what I was talking about, so let me try to sum it up. I like comics. I like the old and the new, I like the success and the failures. I think that the Runaways is a great book that has new characters and fresh ideas. It has a new art style and feels of the time.

Speaking of Time, Wrap it up Clickity Clack Man

If I were to get more philosophical or delve into personal introspection, I would say that I am accepting my childhood, or reliving it. I would try to juxtapose my current moods and maturity against…..

Bored Now……

Don’t forget to support us on Patreon,  We have started to release monthly episodes for our Energizer and greater tiers. We are covering the alternate versions mini-series that started in 2005.

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Our show supports the Hero Initiative, Helping Comic Creators in Need.

Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod

Raving Energy (faster) by Kevin MacLeod

2 thoughts on “Runaways V2 #6: True Believers Chapter 6

  1. Hey there friends!

    I hope this message reaches you in good spirits and health. I just got finished listening to the current episode and here are some takeaways.

    1) I was a little surprised that Jeff never covered Del Shannon’s “Runaway” during this arc. I would play the current episode thinking that the title being obvious, the vocal stylings of Jeff would interpret it on the final part of True Believers. Not to say that his crooning was not enjoyed mind you.

    2) The rim shot after the pun? Delightful! I chortled on the treadmill at the gym when that happened.

    3) Reintroducing Rick Jones in the book was pretty fun, considering I had just finished reading Vol 2 of Peter David’s Incredible Hulk run. The omnibus had the entire Dale Keown period of pencils. It also had as a significant subplot Rick’s book Sidekicks being published, with his subsequent book tour afterwards. Fun stuff in my opinion, though age has not been kind to some of the storytelling.

    4) After wrapping this story arc up, I really am contemplating if I ever get the intimidating stack of stuff to read whittled down I would check in on some other stories. I was a big fan of Runaways when it was published.

    5) Thank you for showcasing these titles that have a Power kid in a supporting role. I like to dig around online to see where to go to next.

    Well, it’s time to sign off. See you around fellas!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Jeremy!

      Hope all is well in your orbit as well, as I always wish for the best for people that I know.

      Let’s get into my takeaways of your takeaways.

      1- Del Shannon’s “Runaway”? Obviously it was on my list and I didn’t have to just now look it up on YouTube and smack my head about how perfect it would have been for the RB segment, how dare you even insinuate that! Total bone head move on my part that will be rectified in the future when we come back to the Runaways.

      2- Me and Rick both forgot about this, but it does strike a memory chord in both of us. Glad past us brought you a laugh, it was a one off rarity I assure you that is unlikely to happen again.

      3- Now I want to read that Hulk run to see what the book tour stories are like. I don’t have time for that! How dare you bring me information on things that interest me! Curious as to how some of the things didn’t age well, will have to read to find out. Let me just get out from under this pile of life and that might even happen.

      4- Looking at a pile of stuff to my right that I need to read. Thinking about some books upstairs I need to read. Thinking about how behind I am on all the newer stuff on Marvel Unlimited I want to read. Thinking about when our next script and recording session are due. Yup, the pile gets intimidating doesn’t it?

      5- The plus side of all this Power Pack adjacent stuff is that it stretches the life of our show out for YEARS. That and it is getting me to read stuff that I might never of otherwise. Honestly very surprised how often they pop up.

      Later buddy.



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