FF #1: The Club

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 125

A new book, a new number one, a new member on the team. Let’s all give a big hello to the worlds favorite humanoid arachnid. It is an honor to be chosen to fill in the ranks on this legendary team. Let’s hope he does not screw this up like he does everything else in his life.

Book and Beer

Oh, to be young and starting a new job. New opportunities, new mistakes, new highs and lows. When you are a superhero of Spidey’s caliber, you have seen and been a lot of places. And there have been some amazing opportunities. The best opportunity is to take over from your dead friend.

A Man and His Birds

And new colleagues and friends and places to go. It must be pretty cool to get to go to such wonderful locations and kick booty with new peeps….especially when one of the coworkers wears size rocky gravel kickers.

Smell My Feet

I have heard a rumor that new employers provide fantastic meals to their new victims…I mean team members.


We cannot forget a new roster of clients. You get a new job and you start to talk to new people. Remember, customers can be internal as well as external. Sometimes they are both. And sometimes they are evil.


What happens if your new work is in a rock band? It can happen, do not be such a naysayer. You could get that magical dream offer you have always wanted, lead singer, and then the rock and roll lifestyle.

Where are My Pants Band

Things are looking up for the old web head. You never know what life is going to throw at you, so make sure to duck.


We also have some merchandise over at Redbubble. We have a couple of nifty shirts for sale. https://www.redbubble.com/people/jeffrickpresent/?asc=u

You can also subscribe and listen to us on YouTube! 

Our show supports the Hero Initiative, Helping Comic Creators in Need.  http://www.heroinitiative.org/

Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3703-eighties-action
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Dead Lights by Keith Wolk
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10189-dead-lights
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

7 thoughts on “FF #1: The Club

  1. I can’t say which was better, your love of this comic or of the beer, but it was a great listen all around.

    Side note: Spidey was the “big get” for team books at this time as well. Before joining FF, he was still a regular member of BOTH Avengers teams, especially New Avengers with a teammate you may have heard of: the ever-loving blue-eyed Thing! That bit makes it even more awkward that Ben just closes his door on Spidey. They’ve been actively working together for almost a year in New Avengers, and he doesn’t welcome him aboard? Ouch.

    But great discussion of the issue, don’t really have much to add, except for appreciating the name drop! Gave me an extra-hearty laugh. Thank you, my Pack-Men!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey there Tim. That is true about Spider-Man in this time being on all those teams. Was Bendis still writing New Avengers then? I want to say it seemed like Bendis took the characters he enjoyed writing dialogue for and made a version of a superhero Aaron Sorkin book but with epic fights.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes indeed, this was still the Bendis era of Avengers and New Avengers. I think the only character on more team books than Spider-Man by this point was Wolverine, between both Avengers titles and who-knows-how-many X-titles. So what’s the deal, FF? Wolvie not good enough for you? Everybody else has the Wolvie, and you know he’d rock those white-n-black jammies!

        Ooo, almost forgot! The random banter segment did NOT include “how has Jeff hurt himself this week”. It’s a Festivus miracle!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Wolverine had a costume color conflict with his X-Force costume which is why he didn’t join up. It’s a fact! Look it up in the first sentence if you don’t believe me.

        Oh, and I don’t always hurt myself…just often enough that tit seems that way.


        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi, Tim!

      The beer was so amazingly good! It actually got me hunting down other fruited sours for comparison purposes. And while they were good, they were nowhere near as good as this one.

      Spidey will always be a big get for me. Depending on the team, he can out class everyone on it. On some teams he may not be the best or the most powerful, but he can still outshine everyone on different levels. I recently got reminded of this by YouTube, when I saw a thing talking about when he had to go up against (unbeknownst to them) mind controlled Avengers. He had a bit of preemptive prep time, and he did a number on them giving him the time he needed to get away from them. Black Panther gave him the respect he so rightly deserves, but everyone else under estimated him. Okay, I’ll get of my Spidey love soap box now.

      Glad we brought you joy with the name drop, as it brought us joy to do it. I am sure we will do some again in the future. 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello there my friends from Southeast Missouri! I just finished listening to episode 125 and wanted to express my gratitude in the kind comments you said at the shout out portion of the episode. I had always wanted to become the loyal letter hack I would see in the books I read while a child. There were always reliable names in the letters column that were part entertaining, part informative. Considering my love for these characters, title, and this podcast itself, it was a no-brainer to develop a habit.

    Jeff talking about the Christmas lights had me thinking of the scene with Clark Griswold in Christmas Vacation. Rick talking about showing Star Trek II-IV to Carrie brought a fond memory. When I was in 4th grade, I picked up a picture book adaptation of the IV from the book fair. I read it more than once and had to wait for months before the picture came out on home video to rent. On the strength of The Voyage Home, I would rent II and III and really liked them. It’s great that Carrie recognizes the cool factor that is Spock.

    FF 1; I had this issue when it came out. I liked that Spider-Man was a part of the quartet given his lengthy history with them. The updated outfits I was never fond about though. The whole hexagon pattern on the chest made me think it’s Hickman trademarking this run. The stories I have read of Jonathan Hickman, geometric shapes play some factor in either the credits, captions, or even page design. I would think the motif is on business cards for him.

    Epting’s cover looked a little wonky to me. I was wondering if it was painted or did he pencil the figures and add color to them? It definitely looks off compared to the finished work inside the book. HIs Spider-Man in your gallery is really good! I’m really curious on where this story is going to go in future episodes. If prices could go down and I could gain a few extra hours to reading rather than doom scrolling on Twitter, I would get the Hickman volumes of Fantastic Four.

    I hope that things are well in your lives. Until next episode!


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, Jeremy!

      The kind comments were heart felt and sincere. We really appreciate your patronage, your listening and your taking the time to write to us. We put a fair bit of work into the show and knowing that there are people out there that enjoying it means a lot to us. Well…me at least. I can’t speak for Rick, as in reality he is a mechanical monster only in search of inhuman delights. Okay, you caught me, I am fibbing, and he appreciates you as well.

      I love Christmas lights so much. My neighborhood is pretty good about putting them up and I loved looking out nightly and just staring at them. Fun fact, I was outside one night and someone drove by, stopped and yelled out their window how much they liked what I had done in my yard. Made my day. Oh, to get Griswoldian on ya, I did have a short in a line that Aurora pointed out to me because it was smoking. Shut the whole system down and started checking ’em. Found the bad lines and plugged them in again separately to see what they would do and got to see a really impressive electric arcing show inside the connectors. Shut that down, drowned ’em and kept them away from the house for awhile for good measure.

      I like Spidey as part of the FF, and I like the idea of the new costumes….buuuuut, they don’t hit for me either. I think that they could work with some work…hmmm, now I’m spit balling costume designs. Nothing will come from my spit balling, so I really should just let it go.

      Ahhh, doom scrolling. I hear ya. Hard not to do that in this day and age. Glad to say that I have cut that way back as it really wasn’t doing me any good. Now I mostly garbage scroll. That and collect emotional support tabs on stuff that I really do mean to get around to reading. I did recently knock a chunk of those off my list though which felt good.

      See ya on the flip, later.



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