The Loners V1 #5: Chinks in the Armor

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 109

We are coming in for a landing folks, and We need know if any of these kids are going to make it. Especially when they have fights breaking out in their special place. Wow, that sounded dirty. Whatever, let’s do this thing…..huh…that sounded dirty too.

Slam Dance

So what do we have happening in this book? That is a good answer, and I can sum it up in one word, bad choices. Some may call that two words, but I would like to point out that I never learned to count, so it is not my fault. As I was saying decisions were made and the outcomes were negative. This of course means drama. Huh, drama would be a better word to sum up this issue with.

Burger Time

Is there drama in burgers? Sure! Especially when you call them cow sandwiches. Speaking of which, is a hotdog a sandwich or a taco? Is a taco a sandwich? Now we are talking drama, and opinions, and possibly a food fight.

Say My Name

And there is drama of a new person with no memory. Who is she, why is she here, what is her favorite color, how will she betray and kill us? These are the kinds of questions that lead to or from trust. Plus, she looks pretty awesome.

Goblin Hawk

Then we have the drama-mama-llama-rama. This takes the cake, don’t it. Goblin boy, who is off his rocker, with the power of the hawk crystal which has been ramping up Chris? This is a combo meal of doom, with a side order of DRAMA.

Laugh it Up….

Buuuuuuut, I am not going to be the one to tell him that.

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Our show supports the Hero Initiative, Helping Comic Creators in Need.

Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod Link: 

Clenched Teeth by Kevin MacLeod

8 thoughts on “The Loners V1 #5: Chinks in the Armor

  1. Ah, I didn’t know this series might have been intended to be longer, but then cut down to 6 issues. That explains a lot about the pacing this issue, adding Namie, and all of the dangling plot threads that don’t look even close to being resolved. We just went through this with Power Pack volume 2. It’s too bad. There’s plenty of interesting stories with these characters separately and as the group, but we’ll just have to see what gets wrapped up here.

    And as always, you guys make it a fun listen and discussion. Even though they’re “loners”, you’re not alone on this journey. Thanks, my Pack-Men!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tim!!

      The early cancellation of this series does explain a lot. Now I get why they were jamming so many new characters and ideas into it. They thought that they would have tie to cover them at their leisure. Shame that that wasn’t the case, but I also see why the series didn’t get to make its whole run. This at least had a whole lotta new ideas packed into it. PP Vol 2 had some new ideas and a whole lot of rehashing. That was a title that I would have really appreciated if it brought some new to the fold. Something like the most recent five part mini that North did last year would really hit the spot.

      Yeah, glad that we are not alone on this journey. Always so glad to know that you are with us on this goofy road trip. Until next time, “Contrary Loners Assemble!!”


      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey there Jeff and Rick!

    I hope that you and your families are doing well! To start off, I thought it was great to hear Carrie’s take on Nekra’s “costume” heh. I heard that this afternoon while working and thought of my last message here realizing that I was not the only one who thought that lol. I know both of you had similar thoughts but still…

    The realization that this 6 issue mini was intended to be longer that you mentioned on the episode and the esteemed gentleman Mr. Tim Price had here makes sense. I am assuming the window of production to release has been narrowed since this mini was published given the unfortunate demise of Future Foundation among other titles that had one issue released and then it’s over.

    Lost in my harangue last time was the connection I made with your choice of beer for the episode. In the early to mid-aughts there was a celebrity gossip blog called Pink Is the New Blog. I would check in on the site when I could as it had this mixture of snark and humor for posts. The mention of the beer name had me googling the site lol.

    The story in this issue does feel like grasping at many lines theoretically so far out, and being crammed into a box. There’s a haphazard and reckless execution to the final story as if editorial stopped being precious with scenes and just went cut! cut! cut! I wonder if you guys notice in the artwork a gradually darker line work with characters and some scenes? Moline’s art had a thicker line work in the previous issues, and I know there’s an ink assist listed, but the church basement fight had some muddy looking panels. I don’t know if it’s from the coloring or what. Maybe I need to keep my reading glasses on at all times.

    It has been years since I have seen it, but is Some Kind of Wonderful really the mirrored story of Pretty in Pink? I remember my ex-wife said something to that effect. As much as I liked John Hughes stories as a teen, I have to admit there are bits now that have not aged well to me.

    Well, I am going to sign off. Thank you again for the kind words on this episode. Life changes can sometime shrink your circle of friends locally, but there’s solace in knowing you have friends online to talk to at times.


    Liked by 2 people

      1. To: The esteemed gentleman Mr. Tim Price.

        I hope this correspondence finds you well and that the miasma of modern life has not left you with the vapors nor suffering the grip.

        Most gratefully and faithfully yours,


        Liked by 1 person

    1. Jeremy!

      It is crazy to me how a title can get cancelled prior to it being released due to the presale count. There is so little chance for something new to take off and become popular this way. I understand the economics of it, but still. Give an idea some room to breathe and maybe find its footing before you crush it. Future Foundation really got the dirty from this production environment.

      Glad we could inadvertently remind you of an old love. Never got into the gossip blogs myself, but I get the appeal. Did you re-find it and was it everything that you remembered it to be?

      I don’t think that we noticed anything changing with the art…doesn’t mean that it didn’t just that we are ignorant. 🙂 I agree that they stopped being precious, and said “This is ending, lets wrap it up.” So they went chop chop chop.

      I am not the one to ask about John Huges films. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off was my repeat go to film of his and I haven’t seen that one in…darn time being an arrow…a llllllooooooonnnnnnng time. A lot of films from the 80’s haven’t aged well. Look at the plot points of many films just being homophobic and or sexually assaulty in a fun way.

      I don’t remember giving any kind words, but that is because I am once again really behind on replying to things. If we gave them then they were well deserved. Between having a kid and the pandemic, I have been very aware of my shrinking social circle. So I agree with you that it is nice to know that there are friendly people to communicate with in the greater world.

      Till later,


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