Avengers Academy #23: Second Chances

You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 148

Warning, this podcast includes words and phrases presented by a New Zealander. Please be aware that the use of an accent will be heard throughout the episode, viewer discretion is advised. Beyond that, we are overjoyed and excited to welcome back our favorite Kiwi in the whole world, Waffles!

Beer and Book

Waffles may be one of our biggest fans, but that does not mean we know a lot about their homeland. Well Jeff might, he did visit their when he was much younger and had 100% less children than he does now. So, in honor of our guest, I am going to make up facts about New Zealand based on basic internet research and comedy.

This is Such a Bad Idea

First off, did you know that New Zealand is known for it’s biodiversity? Sure, may have heard about the Haast’s eagle and moa, as well as the strange little flightless bird whose name I cannot remember…but there are a whole bunch of other animals that you can only find on or around these islands. I have also heard that you can find Hobbits and Elves there too.

Not Native to New Zealand

Science and technology in New Zealand is apparently a thing. According to my history books I thought it all happened in Greece or the United States, but apparently there are other places where people are smart. Ernest Rutherford split the atom, Beatrice Tinsley is known for studying galaxy formations, and the Māori people have been recognized for early indigenous contributions to science. Makes me feel really inadequate for getting an F when I brought a 9 Volt battery and steel wool to the science fair.

Quicksilver Hate Science

In the area of monster creation, New Zealand is a pioneer. What with WETA workshops, Black Sheep, and Peter Jackson. I mean….were-sheep, need we say more. Between that and some of the wildlife we mentioned above, this place is just a nightmare waiting to attack you. I even heard that they have gigantic killer cats that roam houses at night, stealing waffles. Or, that could be a rumor I just started.

Who is More Monstory?

The New Zealand cricket team, nicknamed Black Caps, is world famous. They do amazing things whenever they show up to do sport. Many fans come to watch them play live, or sometimes on TV. They really are very good and everybody….OK, look…I do not understand cricket as a game of concept and do not understand any of the words on this Wikipedia page. I try to fake it when I can, but sometimes this is what you get.

Probably not a Cricket Player

Human cloning also occurs in New Zealand. Actually, it occurs all over the world and nobody talks about it because of “the man”, but we all know. The leading facility for cloning is located in a secret bunker in Christchurch, just below the Botanic Gardens. The facility produces two thousand clones a year, quietly shipping them out as bearded American tourists. This facility has brought much needed income to the area…..Wait a minute, the Wikipedia page I was citing this information from was just changed to talk about New Zealand’s climate. Well, it was still probably true.

Example of a Bad Clone Job

Giantism is a condition that can occur in people born in New Zealand. Many have said that it is has occurred as a result of the Māori tradition of cooking food over heated rocks that have been irradiated by gamma radiation, but the science is inconclusive and mostly confined to a comic book that I have just started to draw with crayons. Needless to say, the food is very tasty and everyone should eat a pavolva a day.

What is Happening

Now, I have been informed that my “facts” are “wrong” and that I may have “offended” some people with my “dumb” “and” “innovative” material “or” use of “the” “internet”. “Some” people are “also” complaining that “I” may not “be” using or “over”using “”quotes” (or as “I” like to call “them” hanging coupled comas) incorrectly. “Whatever”!

This Happens to Me Alot

In closing, please consider adopting a New Zealander, they are just looking for a little bit of love in this crazy world. And listen to Waffles on his podcast: Waffles and Mates Talk About Things.

…the hell?

We also have some merchandise over at Redbubble. We have a couple of nifty shirts for sale. https://www.redbubble.com/people/jeffrickpresent/?asc=u

You can also subscribe and listen to us on YouTube! 

Our show supports the Hero Initiative, Helping Comic Creators in Need.  http://www.heroinitiative.org/

Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod 
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3703-eighties-action
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Music: Cityscape Dreams by Arti The A.I. & Sascha
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/11992-cityscape-dreams
Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

4 thoughts on “Avengers Academy #23: Second Chances

  1. The Julie/Striker story was the best part of the issue, and doubly so by being completely unexpected! The creative team worked so hard to make Striker seem like the horndog trope, where I’d swear his dialog was lifted straight from Changeling in 1980’s New Teen Titans. And then, this happens. It was amazing, and totally believable that Julie would be this supportive, even if Julie wasn’t bisexual I think this is how she’d have handled it. Her background as a big sister is going to be great for the academy students. Love love love.

    Kudos to Waffles for sharing such a personal part of himself. Hugs, my friend!

    Oh, and Jeff and Rick were funny. There ya go.

    Till next time, my Pack-Men or Women or whatever your gender!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tiiiiiimmmmmmm Price!

      I recently listened to this year’s crossovers, so I feel like I was just talking with you. Funny how that works.

      It really was the best part, and it really did come out of left field. Took an otherwise forgettable whatever character and make me vested in them. Well done, Christos, well done.

      I agree that Julie would have been the best to come out to as well. She is such a great person and such a pure spirit. I would love t see her big sister a bunch of students in her TA role.

      Waffles is an amazing person, and I was amazed and flattered that he joined us. His opening up and sharing? Wow, just wow. He deserves all the hugs that he gets, so I will add one more to the pile. (HUG)

      “Oh, and Jeff and Rick were funny.” Ahhh, flattery will get you everywhere. Though it would have been more accurate to say that Jeff and Rick we’re also there.

      Till next we meet: “Costumes Something!”…I forget our catch phrases.


      Liked by 1 person

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